Aubergine and prosciutto sandwich

di il 29 febbraio 2012
Panino con melanzane e prosciutto

Panino con melanzane e prosciutto

See in italianToday we want to give you a tasty idea made with grilled aubergines (see our recipe here in italian): the aubergine and prosciutto sandwich!

This sandwich is perfect to have lunch at work or, weather permitting, for a tasty picnic outside! Very simple to make, the aubergine and prosciutto sandwich has a perfect combination of ingredients!

for 2 sandwiches

2 sandwiches with sesame seeds
80 g of fresh cheese cream
100 g Parma ham
8 slices of grilled aubergine
fresh basil to taste
Cut in half the sandwich, spread the base with fresh cheese creamy, add grilled aubergines (see recipe here in italian), the ham and some fresh basil leaf!

Bon Appetit! : )


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